About Angular 2+ with ngx-charts
Roberto K.
Ngx-charts is a declarative charting framework for Angular2. It’s a simple, yet powerful tool for handling graphs for your next Angular app.
It is unique since it doesn’t just wrap the d3.js javascript library, instead, it uses Angular to render and animate the SVG elements and it takes the math functions, scales, axis, and shape generators, and other great things from d3.
The demo is hosted on https://angular-with-ngx-charts.appspot.com/ with the code available on: https://github.com/kedmenecr/cinnamon-angular5-with-ngx-charts You can clone the repo, start the app and start modifying the charts!
Their documentation is quite detailed and with every chart, there is an example and a list of all the properties that can be used. https://swimlane.gitbook.io/ngx-charts/v/docs-test/ https://swimlane.gitbook.io/ngx-charts/v/docs-test/examples
It is a very simple yet very powerful tool for handling graphs for your next Angular app! Thanks to the guys from swimlane for providing these charts and making it open source!
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